Sunday, 2 February 2020

Nursing events 2020 | Nursing and Healthcare 2020 | Nursing research 2020

In order to provide further insight into the need for, philosophy, and scope of nursing research this appendix presents a position statement issued by the Commission on Nursing Research of the American Nurses' Association. It is quoted here in its entirety:

Recent years have seen a growing awareness among the public that valuable resources are finite and their use must be carefully considered. In this context, increasing attention is being given to the relative cost of various strategies for utilizing health care resources to meet the present and emerging needs of the nation. Concurrently, nurses are assuming increased decision-making responsibility for the delivery of health care, and they can be expected to continue to assume greater responsibility in the future. Therefore, the timeliness and desirability of identifying directions for nursing research that should receive priority in funding and effort in the 1980s is apparent.

The priorities identified below were developed by the Commission on Nursing Research of the American Nurses' Association, a nine-member group of nurses actively engaged in research whose backgrounds represent considerable diversity in preparation and experience. The priorities represent the consensus of the commissioners, developed through a process of thoughtful discussion and careful deliberation with colleagues.

Accountability to the public for the humane use of knowledge in providing effective and high quality services is the hallmark of a profession. Thus, the preeminent goal of scientific inquiry by nurses is the ongoing development of knowledge for use in the practice of nursing; priorities are stated in that context. Other guiding considerations were the present and anticipated health problems of the population; a historic appreciation of the circumstances in which nursing action has been most beneficial; nursing's philosophical orientation, in which emphasis is on a synthesis of psychosocial and biomedical phenomena to the end of promoting health and effective functioning; and projections regarding the types of decisions nurses will be making in the last decades of the twentieth century. New, unanticipated problems will undoubtedly confront the health care resources of the country; yet it is clear that many of the problems of the future are already manifest today. New knowledge is essential to bring about effective solutions. Nursing research directed to clinical needs can contribute in a significant way to development of those solutions.

Definition of Nursing Research

Nursing research develops knowledge about health and the promotion of health over the full lifespan, care of persons with health problems and disabilities, and nursing actions to enhance the ability of individuals to respond effectively to actual or potential health problems.

These foci of nursing research complement those of biomedical research, which is primarily concerned with causes and treatments of disease. Advancements in biomedical research have resulted in increased life expectancies, including life expectancies of those with serious injury and those with chronic or terminal disease. These biomedical advances have thus led to growth in the numbers of those who require nursing care to live with health problems, such as the frail elderly, the chronically ill, and the terminally ill.

Research conducted by nurses includes various types of studies in order to derive clinical interventions to assist those who require nursing care. The complexity of nursing research and its broad scope often require scientific underpinning from several disciplines. Hence, nursing research cuts across traditional research lines, and draws its methods from several fields.

To learn more please visit World Nursing Congress 2020

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